What are Project Templates?
Project Templates allow you to create a new project in CONQA using a pre-defined work breakdown structure (folders and/or checklists).
Project Templates enable you to create your own projects without assistance from the CONQA support team. Project templates are pre-defined and are added to your CONQA account.
Why use Project Templates?
Project Templates are most suitable for customers who:
- Have consistent work breakdown structures across projects
- Have checklists that typically stay the same across projects
- Have site users who are familiar with their CONQA checklists
Having Project Templates added to your CONQA account can allow you to create new projects significantly faster, saving you all important time on site.
How can I create Project Templates?
Note: The creation and maintenance of Project Templates can only be done by account admins, so first make sure you are enabled as an account admin. If in doubt, contact your Account Manager or the CONQA Support Team.
To add, edit and delete Project Templates, first navigate to the ‘Templates’ page in Console
- Go to account.con.qa on your browser. Login if prompted, and select your CONQA account.
- In the blue header bar at the top of the page, select ‘Templates’
- In the left hand menu, select Project templates
- This will open a new screen, where you can download and edit existing project templates in your account, and add new ones:
- Project Templates must be uploaded in .csv or .xlsx format (more on this detailed below). You’ll need to consider what structure you’ll need for your project template, and which folders and checklists you want to use.
- On the Template Management page, you will see links for ‘Download Checklists’ and ‘Download example Project Template’.
- ‘Downloading Checklists’ will show you the full list of your Account Library Checklists. These are the checklists that can be used within your Project Templates. If you would like to add any new checklists or edit existing ones, please get in touch with the CONQA support team to request this as usual.
- ‘Download example Project Template’ will show you the correct excel format for adding project templates. Follow this example using your own checklist names.
Once your project template is ready for upload, follow the below steps:
- Select the ‘Add Project Template’ button
- Drag and drop your file on to the cloud icon, or click the cloud icon to select your Project Template in the correct CSV or .xlsx format and name your Project Template
- Click ‘Save’ to save the Project Template
How to format a Project Template in CSV/XLSX format
- Open a blank excel sheet and add the headers that need to exist on row 1. These are:
resource type addStep addPost Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 etc..
(it may be easier to copy and paste these from the example project template)
- Each row represents a folder or checklist. In the type column (column B) you will specify whether you are adding a folder or a checklist. If you are adding a checklist, this will be specified to the left of the type in the resource column - the checklist template needs to exist within your account checklist library and must match names exactly (you can view your account library checklists under Checklist Templates on the previous screen)
- Ignore columns C & D. These should be left blank apart from the headers
- From columns E going right, this is where you will specify the names of your folders/checklists. Folders and checklists within the same ‘tier’ will sit under each other. Folders and checklists that go tiers deeper will sit within the folder of the previous tier.
- In the example screenshot above, the Project Template starts with a checklist named ‘Job Details’ - we can see this is specified by the checklist being referenced in the ‘resource’ column, and it being specified that it’s a checklist within the ‘type’ column. Under the ‘Job Details’ checklist is a folder named ‘Pre-Commencement Checks’ - again we can see this is a folder because it is specified within the ‘type’ column. Within the ‘Pre-Commencement Checks’ folder there is a ‘H&S Checklist’ and a ‘Quality Checklist’ - we can see these are contained within the ‘Pre-Commencement Checks’ folder because they are one Tier over to the right.
- Here is how this example template would display in CONQA:
In this example Project Template, you can see that this work breakdown structure is repeatable for each new project, and that further project specific folders and checklists can be added as needed within the CONQA app once the project has been created.
Helpful Tips:
Here are a few simple ‘rules’ to follow that will help you format your Project Templates correctly:
- Project Templates must be created using the correct template structure (the headings along row 1 must always be included)
- They must always be uploaded in either .csv or .xlsx format. If uploaded in xlsx format, ensure your folder template is on the first tab (xlsx is the default format produced for Microsoft Excel)
- Any checklist included in the Project Template must exist on the Account Checklist Library and be referenced by name before the Project Template is uploaded. If the checklist does not exist in the Account Library or is not referenced using the exact checklist name, you will be presented with an error message.
- If you at any time you need assistance creating Project Templates, don’t hesitate to reach out to your Account Manager or the CONQA Support Team.
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